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What’s The Most Important Dynamic For Our Long-Term Future?

We live in a world where everything changes faster and faster every day, between all this news let’s see how we can choose a proper way to construct a better future for everybody.

Marcus Dutra
5 min readMay 14, 2022


It can be a question that is difficult to answer these days where we don’t even know the best dynamics that change or now, let alone those of the future. Despite this ignorance of tomorrow, we are still sure of the best dynamics of the past, and in order to understand the best path for the future, we can start from a good fact.

“The history repeats”


Human essence

Fundamentally on this Earth, your community only prospered and grew if you knew how to move objects and people with ease. So the first uses of the wheel brought Rome much honor and wealth, in the same way, that the Llamas helped the Incas prosper in the Andes.

In other words, the big changes came from the means of transport that the city used, and these types of discoveries triggered exponential changes in the way societies lived and organized themselves, and did not remain different throughout history.

Means of transport

According to Edward Glaeser, in the book Triumph Of The City, each successful new type of transport usually goes through three phases:

  • First, technological advances allow for large-scale production of a faster way of getting around, such as a steam train or a car.
  • Second, a new transport network is built to accommodate this new technology.
  • Third, people and companies change their geographic locations to take advantage of this new mode of transportation.

To better understand the best dynamics in the future for our society, let’s visualize means of transport very close to us that can give clues to the best path for humanity to follow.

The arrival of the car

A great reflection that we can use to try to understand this whole issue is the car. Where the ease of production in large quantities, led by Henry Ford in the United States, generated a very large demand for the transportation system that could not support so many cars on the street. Inducing the US federal government in 1921 to organize the budget for this whole party, adding up to $75 million ($765 million in 2007) in the grand “The Federal Highway Act”. The project flourished and gave life to the entire East Coast transportation network (New York and the region), expanding to the rest of the country.

National Highway System in the United States

And with the facilitation of the entire transport network, the invention began to shape the way people and companies organized themselves. Everything was geared towards talking and having easy access to the car. Buildings started thinking about garages, rich people began thinking about gasoline, architects started getting to work faster, and so on.

Faster transactions

And in parallel with the nature of engines, the human being, in essence, still thought of a way to transport things even faster than a car, an airplane or even a rocket. A road that would carry signs of quality and value without having to spend a lot, called internet.

This network started to connect people from unimaginable places, until its expansion and ease of use by computers being produced for more and more people every day, until it reached a point where changes in the network needed to be made to accommodate so many people with so many different tastes.

And so the internet evolved its capabilities until it reached the moment when everything started to revolve around it, as it is much easier and faster to send information and communicate wirelessly, everything is in the palm of your hand.

Today’s Dynamics

The lessons learned from the technologies of the past are reflected in the most valuable products today, be they rational, like the price of an iPhone 11 ($800), or completely subjective like a Bored Ape Yatch Club NFT that are worth at least ($250k ).

Examples of today’s best technologies and inventions are gigantic, thousands and thousands of fields are explored daily to increase efficiency and achieve more. 5G antennas, self-driving cars.

Future Dynamics

Concrete Future

Although we cannot accurately measure what will or will not be in 10 years, we can be certain and clear about what will be in front of us, regardless of time. Some technological factors that people who are dealing with this every day already see and have faith that it will happen.

A good example is faithful followers of cryptocurrencies, where his future is completely written in code, and the best protocols are on the surface, that is, everything he wants can be programmatic.

So for a concrete future, we have Internet transactions as the main means of transport in the whole world, because now we don’t need to spend so much gas to make money, we can only use electricity (a lot of electricity).

Long-term Future

As a sum of all that we have seen here, we can have a greater clarity of what awaits us in the future, and according to everything that our humanity has seen of evolution, I confidently assume that the most important dynamics of the long-term future will be the means of faster and more convenient transport.

We will enter this system and move in harmony and together with all users contributing and striving to maintain the network. And this way of getting around can be as abstract as in the form of super precise and fast numbers, as well as completely concrete like an airplane that makes intercontinental trips in minutes.


In other words, the most successful dynamic will be the one most trusted and most effective for the user, where this model can spread and shape the next ones, just like the evolutionary tree of technologies in the Civilization game. These technologies will be developed by nature, going through the 3 steps of a transportation revolution.

With the certainty of a past that has already happened, we can measure here today what will come in the future, because for our joy:

“The design repeats”

